How Long is Jail Time For Probation Violation in Texas?

Texas is known for having one of the country’s most complex and multifaceted legal systems. Within this maze of rules and regulations, probation allows individuals to demonstrate their commitment to the law. But what happens when you violate probation in Texas?

Penalties for probation violations vary from a warning to serving the remainder of your jail time behind bars. Factors that impact the penalty are the nature of the original offense, the degree to which the defendant violated probation, and the individual’s legal history. Sentences can range from brief stays in county jail to prolonged terms in state correctional facilities. 

In order to navigate the intricate terrain of Texas’ legal system, this article will look at the fundamentals of probation, common violations, the range of penalties, and what you can do when faced with a violation.

What Constitutes Probation Violation in the State of Texas?

Probation violation occurs when an individual breaks the terms or conditions of their probation. Probation is a court-ordered period of supervision in the community, typically used as an alternative to incarceration. 

The terms and conditions of probation can vary based on the offense, the jurisdiction, and other factors specific to an individual’s case.

When an individual is placed on probation, they are required to follow certain conditions set by the court. This often occurs under the supervision of a probation officer. If an individual violates any of these conditions, it can result in potential legal consequences.

The conditions individuals must agree to include the following:

  • Not committing additional crimes.
  • Avoiding illegal drugs.
  • Submitting to random drug tests.
  • Avoiding known criminals or places associated with such.
  • Meeting with your probation officer.
  • Allowing the probation officer to visit you when needed.
  • Seeking and holding gainful employment.
  • Maintaining residence at your current county.
  • Keeping up with child support or alimony payments.

Common Probation Violations

Violating probation involves breaking any rules of their probationary term. They can be categorized into offense-based violations and direct violations of probation. 

Offense-based violations involve committing crimes while on probation or engaging in crime-related activity. This includes associating with known criminals or holding firearms. Directly violating probation is generally more passive. Examples of direct violations include failing one or more state-approved probation parameters, such as a drug test. 

While the exact conditions of probation can vary depending on the specifics of each case, common violations include:

Offense-Based Violations

  • Committing New Offenses: This doesn’t only pertain to felonies; committing misdemeanors (except for traffic misdemeanors) can also be considered a violation.
  • Associating with Known Criminals: Some probationers are prohibited from associating with specific individuals, primarily known criminals or gang members.
  • Possession of Firearms: In many cases, probationers cannot own or possess firearms.

Directly Violating Probation

  • Missing Appointments: Failing to report to the probation officer at scheduled times or missing other mandated meetings can lead to a violation.
  • Failing Drug or Alcohol Tests: Many probationers are required to submit to random drug or alcohol tests. A failed test can be grounds for a violation.
  • Not Paying Fines or Restitution: If a condition of probation includes paying fines, fees, or restitution to victims, failure to make these payments as scheduled can be considered a violation.
  • Violating Curfew: Some probationers are under curfews. Being out past this curfew without a valid reason can be a violation.
  • Traveling without Permission: Most probation terms restrict travel outside the county or state without prior permission.
  • Failing to Attend Mandated Classes or Programs: This can include classes like anger management, drug or alcohol education, or other court-mandated programs.
  • Failing to Complete Community Service: If community service is a condition of probation, not completing it as mandated can result in a violation.
  • Residing in Unauthorized Locations: Some probationers must notify and get permission from their probation officer before moving.
  • Violating a No-Contact Order: If a probationer is ordered to stay away from specific individuals (e.g., in cases of domestic violence), making contact with those individuals is a violation.

What Are the Penalties for Probation Violation in Texas?

In Texas, if someone violates the terms of their probation, the consequences can vary based on the severity of the violation, the nature of the original offense, and other circumstances surrounding the case. 

For those wondering how long is jail time for probation violation in Texas, it ranges from no jail time and a warning to completing the remaining probation period behind bars. The jail time for probation violation in Texas will never exceed the probationary period. 

Based on the order of severity, the the penalties for probation violation may include:

Minor Penalties

  • Warning or Reprimand: The probation officer might notify the probationer of minor infractions or first-time violations rather than seeking formal penalties.
  • Modification of Probation Terms: The court can change the terms of probation to make them stricter. This could mean more frequent check-ins with a probation officer, additional drug tests, increased community service hours, or other added conditions.
  • Counseling or Rehabilitation Programs: Depending on the nature of the violation, such as a failed drug test, the court might order the offender to attend counseling or a rehabilitation program.
  • Community Service: Additional hours of community service may be added as a penalty for the violation.

Moderate Penalties

  • Fines: The court might impose additional fines due to the violation.
  • Restitution: If the violation involves failing to pay restitution, the court will typically order to continue or establish a payment plan.
  • Jail Time: The judge can order the probationer to serve a short jail sentence, often a few days or weeks, especially for more severe violations, before releasing them back to continue their probation.
  • Extended Probation Period: The duration of the probation period might extend beyond the original term.

Severe Penalties

  • Probation Revocation and Imprisonment: In severe or repeated violation cases, the court can decide to revoke the probation entirely. The probationer can be sent to jail or prison if probation is revoked. The length of incarceration could be up to the maximum term for the original offense.
  • Bonds: In some instances, upon violating probation, the state may take the individual into custody and held until a hearing. The state will set a bond, allowing the person’s release from custody pending the outcome of the probation violation hearing.

Factors Determining Jail Time for Probation Violation

When someone violates the terms of their probation, the length of potential jail time is determined by various factors. 

Here are the primary factors that courts generally consider when deciding on jail time for a probation violation:

Original Offense

The severity of the original crime for which the probation originates can influence the penalty. A violation on probation for a more serious offense might lead to a longer jail sentence than a violation for a lesser offense.

Nature and Severity of the Violation

Minor violations (e.g., missing one meeting with a probation officer) might result in less severe consequences than major violations (e.g., committing a new crime).

Frequency of Violations

A first-time violation might be treated more leniently than repeated infractions. If someone continually violates the terms of their probation, the court is more likely to impose a stiffer penalty.

Length of Time on Probation

If someone has been on probation without any issues for a significant period, the court might consider this a factor in their favor.

Legal Arguments and Evidence:

The defense and prosecution will present their arguments and evidence during a revocation hearing. The strength of these arguments and the presented proof can influence the decision on jail time.

Legal Rights and Defenses in a Probation Violation Case

When an individual violates the terms of their probation, they have specific legal rights to ensure the process is fair and just. Among these rights is the entitlement to a hearing, known as a probation revocation hearing. 

At the revocation hearing, an attorney has the right to represent the individual. If they cannot afford one, the state will provide a public defender or court-appointed attorney. 

Defenses in a probation violation case can vary depending on the nature of the alleged violation. 

For example, the violation is for failing a drug test. A possible defense might be contesting the accuracy or administration of the test. If the violation involves missing an appointment with a probation officer, an unforeseen emergency or miscommunication might serve as a defense.

It’s also worth noting that, in certain situations, the accused’s legal defense can leverage technical or procedural errors made by probation officers or the court to achieve a fair hearing.

In any case, the individual’s legal rights ensure that they are not unjustly penalized and have an opportunity to defend themselves against the allegations. Given a probation violation’s complexities and potential repercussions, individuals should seek legal counsel to navigate the process effectively.

Can I End My Probationary Period Early?

Depending on the severity of the case and your probationary period, seeking a reduction or termination of your probationary period is possible. This process is much more likely with a lawyer’s professional guidance. 

To apply for probation termination or reduction, individuals must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Individuals must complete at least one-third of their probationary period, or two years, whichever is shorter. 
  2. Individuals who complete at least half of their period or two years, whichever is longer, can file for a judge to review their record for termination or reduction unless: 
  3. They have not paid fines or costs and can pay. 
  4. They have not completed court-ordered counseling. 

In other words, individuals who have completed at least two years of their probationary period, or half of their overall period, have a solid chance to apply for a termination as long as they have met the requirements for their probation.

Can I Apply for Deferred Adjudication?

Deferred adjudication is a specific type of plea deal in Texas that favors first-time offenders, juveniles, and other special cases. It’s essentially a legal understanding that this is a one-time offense and will not likely occur again with remediation.

If the state grants you deferred adjudication, they’ll place you on probation for a specified period. If you complete the probation without any violations, the state will dismiss the charges against you, and you’ll avoid a formal conviction on your record. 

However, the arrest and deferred adjudication order will remain on your record. However, with a lawyer’s expertise, you can reliably seal the record so that these charges don’t negatively impact your future.

Get the Best Texas Defense for Your Probation or Probation Violation

Are you facing probation or a potential probation violation in Texas? The complexities of the legal system require expert navigation to ensure your rights are protected and you get the best possible outcome.

Whether you’re seeking early probation termination, considering deferred adjudication, or defending against a violation, it’s crucial to have experienced representation at your side.

DWI Attorney Fort Bend has decades of experience handling probation violation cases, probation terminations, and deferred adjudication for Texas residents. Call our offices today at 281-762-7345 or contact us for the expert legal advice you need.

20+ Years of Experience in Criminal Defense

I began my career with the District Attorney’s office and have been in private practice focusing on criminal defense in Fort Bend and surrounding counties since 2002.

Lee Cox

Lawyer, Texas Bar Association

Lee D. Cox, Lawyer can assist you in all of these areas: DWI, Minor DUI, Felony DWI, Intoxication Assault, Intoxication Manslaughter, Theft, Shoplifting, Assault, Domestic Violence, Murder, Aggravated Assault, Possession of Marijuana, Drug Cases – Felony and Misdemeanor, Sex Crimes, Bail Bond Reduction, Probation Violation, Weapons Charges, Traffic Offense, Nondisclosure, Expunction